SAVE MONEY! Every training and exploration opportunity through Dartmouth Health Career Institute (DHCI) has little to no cost to participants. Most of our training programs have you hired on Day 1 which means bi-weekly pay and full benefits to learn, train and advance your career.
END THE JOB SEARCH NOW! Upon successful completion in most of our training programs, you will continue into a full-time role at Dartmouth Health with a commitment to your employment journey that builds upon your training foundations within our nationally recognized, stable, and respected healthcare system.
WE KNOW HOW TO DEVELOP GREAT EMPLOYEES! With the experience and support from program leaders and clinical instructors, we will expertly guide you through your technical and professional development curriculums and be a resource as you navigate your career path at Dartmouth Health.
CUSTOMIZED LEARNING/TEACHING! How do we maintain a success rate of 95% or better in each of our programs? We have exceptional instructors whose #1 goal is your success in the program and employment. Our training structure can be best described as a blended approach including a mix of classroom (didactic), simulation, hands-on, and on-the-job training. And remember, not only is the training free, you are paid to learn!
SEEKING A UNIQUE EDUCATION EXPERIENCE? These programs are for you! We have done all the work for you in navigating and building partnerships with regional education partners to provide working certificates or credits towards a degree just by being selected and participating in our training programs. And the cost for those… Free!
D-H WRI Mission.
To build a sustainable workforce pipeline that supports the work and mission of Dartmouth Health through the delivery of apprenticeship and professional training programs.
The Dartmouth Health Career Institute (DHCI) is thinking differently about how we identify a sustainable source of qualified and engaged workers who bring the skills, commitment and values we need to provide the best patient care. The Dartmouth Health Career Institute (DHCI) was created to deliver apprenticeship and professional training programs that provide workers with the knowledge and skills they need to enter into health care careers.